Pre-Registration Process
Step One: Pre-Registration
Please click the button below to access the pre-registration form: ​
Please select Readsboro Central School in the School Preference Drop Down
Once you have selected the 2024-2025 School Year in the Entry Year Drop Down; the Entry Date will automatically fill in for you.
Once you have selected submit on the bottom right, you will receive a confirmation email from PS Notification.
Step Two: Create PowerSchool Parent Account
Once your student's pre-registration has been approved or denied by the school, you will receive a secondary email from PS Notification. Approval emails will contain a link and directions on how to set up a PowerSchool Account, and the necessary information to link your parent account with your student’s account.
Step Three: Enrollment Forms
Once logged into power school select the Forms link within the left navigation window. All forms need to be completed for each student that you are enrolling. These forms need to be completed before the start of the school year.